Radical Remission 10-Episode Docuseries

Dr. Kelly A. Turner made her directorial debut in this 10×60 docuseries on the research behind radical remissions. In these 10 episodes, you’ll witness 21 POWERFUL stories of healing—recoveries that weren’t supposed to happen according to their doctors, but somehow did. You will also discover the 10 common healing factors that became the basis for Kelly’s New York Times bestselling book, Radical Remission.

Watch the trailer above, or purchase the entire 10-episode series today!

Here are some of the thousands of comments we received from viewers of the docuseries:

“Wow!!! I have no words to express how much gratitude I feel for this amazing docuseries.”

“Thank you for this series! It could not have come at a better time seeing all the uncertainty the world is in now.”

“You are changing the paradigm and saving lives – including mine!”

ALSO…follow Kelly on Instagram to check out “Highlights” of behind-the-scenes action from filming!